Thursday, September 20, 2012

Letter to my body.

Dear Body,
Thank you. Thank you for being able to hear music, Holden's cute voice, the sound of someone calling my name, my professors lectures, and the laughter of people. Thank you for being able to see pretty flowers, hot boys, cute children, fascinating architecture.
Thank you for being able to smell blueberry scones, and rainy pavement. Thank you for being able to taste chocolate covered pomegranates, fried macaroni and cheese, and mashed potatoes with cream gravy. For being able to feel my blanky, shoulder rubs, and snowflakes on my tongue.

Thank you for walking, for running, for riding a bike, for clogging, for skipping, for dancing like a maniac, for being able to sit still.

Thank you, hands, for being able to write essays, poetry, journal entries, and songs. You can scoop the guts out of a pumpkin, you can play the piano and the ukulele. You can draw pictures. You can cook food. You can hold the hands of those you love. You can type into the computer.
I can lift little kids on my shoulders. I can run through sprinklers. I can do a headstand.

I can sleep at night, I can wake up in the morning. I can taste food, I can chew food, I can swallow food, I can digest food, I can poop food.

I can smile, I can cry. I can sing, I can be quiet. I can be hurt, I can heal. I can get sick, I can recove

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