I got some really bad bug bites the other day, so bad that they woke me up during the night. It was one of those half-asleep times in the middle of the night where all you can focus on is solving a problem. That problem to me was stopping the itching. The next thing I knew, my legs were in the kitchen sink, and I was trying to somehow wash the histamines away. That morning I forked out an entire five dollars for some anti-itch cream, which I greatly resented, but it turned out to be the best purchase of my entire existence.
While waiting between two of my classes, I ran into two good friends, and instead of doing my work as I know I should have, I spent some quality time catching up with them and planning our mutual friend’s bridal shower. That was bizarre, as well. It is my first experience being so close to a bride of my own age, and it’s constantly becoming more and more real that this will be me sooner rather than later.
My roommate looks like she's pretty close to getting engaged. Maybe I'll write about her tomorrow.
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