Friday, November 23, 2012

How to Fangirl

Step 1: become obsessive about something.  It doesn't matter what you choose to obsess about.  It can be a TV show, movie, book, person, food, anything.  Just pick something and make sure at least 35% of your life revolves around that thing.

Step 2: Make sure enough of your feelings are invested that you have done all of the following things regarding your subject:  laugh, cry, scream, wave your hands around, collapse on your computer.

Step 3:  Try your best to keep it a secret for as long as possible, until you just can't hold it in anymore

Step 4:  Explode and tell all the internet/every single one of your friends how obsessed you are.  Claim that you need professional help but don't even pretend to try to accept any advice.

Step 5: Find other fangirlers on the internet.  The internet is an amazing place where all fangirlers can come together in their fangirl-ness.

Step 6: Embrace that fact that this will be a part of you until you move on to something else to fangirl about.

Step 7: Write a blog about how to fangirl.

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